Park landscapes

Park landscapes​

The Serre spruce is included in the national book of seed woods because of its special genetic qualities. The seed from these forests is harvested in September and October for use in reforestation in various parts of Europe. The Serre Landscape is characterised, as far as the geomorphological aspect is concerned, by natural forms that form strongly recognisable landscape areas. Sea terraces – surrounding the Serre in different areas and at different heights, with the appearance of more or less wide plateaus, hemmed in by escarpments: particularly evident are those in the municipalities of Laureana di Borrello, Arena and Dasà. Vast and shallow depressions open up between the mountains, which in the Quaternary period housed real lakes: these are the Lacina plain (near Brognaturo) and the plains (or basins) of Serra San Bruno, Chiaravalle, Mongiana and Fabrizia. The main human communities of the Serre settled on these depressions, due to the ease of crossing and the availability of water. The Ionian slopes of the Serre are characterised by the ‘cuts’ of the torrents: these are wide gravel beds, dry for most of the year (except for the autumn flood period) that fan out at the dejection cones on the coast. In addition, the Serre landscape is characterised by slopes and hillsides covered by vast expanses of forest that constitute some of the most important forest complexes in the region. The forest formations present are: the Mediterranean maquis, mainly located in the lower areas (scarcely represented in the Park’s territory); the chestnut groves, present at higher altitudes (partly deriving from old fruit chestnut groves and sometimes of artificial origin, which provide poles and timber for local crafts and agriculture) finally, the beech and fir woods, which cover all the major elevations up to the summit, in a sector that is of rare beauty due to the imposing tree stand, the wealth of fauna and the presence of numerous streams.

Contest Fotografico

“Borghi delle Serre”, in collaborazione con Mangiatorella

Operazione Cervo Italico

Un nuovo sentiero

La natura ci sorprende sempre..

Stiamo tracciano un nuovo sentiero che sbalordirà i visitatori per la bellezza della natura circostante e le scoperte storiche testimoni della presenza umana di un tempo che fu.

Da Serra San  Bruno a Spadola, da Brognaturo a Guardavalle passando per  Santa Caterina  fino a Badolato, un cammino in cui cascate di acque incontaminate  maestose pietre multiformi e giganteschi abeti bianchi disegno scenari fiabeschi.

In cima, a 1400 metri di altezza, maestosa la vedetta Borbonica, straordinariamente conservata, resiste al tempo e raccoglie in unico sguardo mar Ionio e Tirreno.

Sentiero Fantasma Della Baronessa Scoppa

Spiritualità e cultura

Terra e acqua
