
Polia stretches between two valleys forming the Reschia river basin. It is composed of four hamlets: Cellia, with a greater craft tradition; Poliolo, a mainly agricultural centre; Menniti, rebuilt after the 1783 earthquake, with a small central square and adjacent buildings on a regular urban grid; Trecroci, once the most populated, clustered on the ridge of an impervious hill, sloping down towards the valley. Significant also for the troglodytic caves at the edges of the houses, the settlements are embellished by groups of popular buildings still preserved in places, by 19th century noble buildings, such as the Molè, Chiaravalloti, Magno and Amoroso palaces adorned with apotropaic masks, by 16th-17th century religious buildings remodelled in simple neoclassical forms, such as the churches of the Immacolata, Santa Croce and Maria Santissima di Loreto, which preserve valuable wooden statues and colourful ancient frescoes.